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The Basic Idea of the Tour

The Lee Adams Tour of the Methow is a non-timed, non-competitive ski through some of the major parts of the Methow Trails system.  You can do part or all of the entire Tour route. The Tour includes lunch in Mazama and shuttle buses to help with logistics.  Join your friends or make new ones on an epic Methow ski!

Lee Adams

The Tour of the Methow is held in honor of Lee Adams. Lee loved the outdoors and was passionate about cross country skiing in the Methow Valley. When he lost his life in a tragic accident on Mount Rainier his loved ones donated memorial funds to the Methow Valley Nordic Ski Educational Foundation. Those funds have been used to put benches in the Early Winters area of the trail system, as well as to sponsor the Tour of the Methow. 

Methow Valley Nordic Ski Educational Foundation

Methow Valley Nordic Ski Educational Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission of supporting a vibrant Nordic ski community in the Methow Valley. MVNSEF programs include the Methow Valley Nordic Team, Methow Valley Biathlon Team, adult instruction, races, and other events. 

Note that Methow Trails, which grooms and maintains the trails, is a supportive partner of MVNSEF, but we are separate organizations.  MVNSEF and Methow Trails co-host the Lee Adams Tour of the Methow.

While we charge fees for most of our activities, keep costs as low as possible. We rely on contributions from the community, both financial and volunteer hours, to carry out our mission, and we deeply appreciate all of you who support us. 

MVNSEF activities like the Tour depend on having members who are willing to organize them. If you have ideas and want to get involved, please let us know at info@mvnsef.org 

The Tour Course

The full Tour course goes from the Cub Creek trailhead over Rendezvous Pass and down to Mazama (30km), then around the Early Winters part of the system and back to Mazama (20km), and finally from Mazama to Winthrop (30km).

Needless to say most participants choose to do only a portion of the full 80km, and you can do whichever portions you like, starting at Cub Creek, Mazama, Winthrop, or trailheads in between. Whatever part of the course you choose, you won’t want to skip lunch at the Mazama Community Club.

The entire course will be marked with ToM signs, but please bring a trail map if you are not familiar with the trails. Maps are available at the Methow Trails office, on the Methow Trails app, and at many stores in the area. 

Kids and families are welcome!

Shuttle Buses

Buses will take skiers from Mazama to Winthrop and from Winthrop to Cub Creek. Another bus will take skiers from Winthrop to Mazama. We will be filling the buses on a first-registered, first-served basis and only have space for the first 100 participants so please arrive early and register for the Tour now to ensure your spot!

Bus departure times are as follows:

7:30 am from Mazama to Winthrop (and then to Cub Creek)

8:00 am from Winthrop (Methow Trails property trailhead, 21 Horizon Flats Rd.) to Cub Creek

10:00 am from Winthrop (Methow Trails property trailhead, 21 Horizon Flats Rd.) to Mazama Community Club

11:00 am Departs from Mazama Community Club to Winthrop (Methow Trails property trailhead, 21 Horizon Flats Rd.)

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to bus departure time so that we may check you in.

Equipment will not be allowed inside the passenger area of the buses. There is undercarriage space for all skis and poles, but for the safety of passengers and driver visibility no skis or poles can board the buses with you.

Lunch at the Mazama Community Club

After hours of climbing through the Rendezvous or circumnavigating the Early Winters loop, you’ve got a hunger inside you! Come in and warm yourself with some delicious lunch at the Community Club, free for all participants. Bring your Tour ribbon and your appetite! Lunch and snacks are available from 10am until 1 pm.


Registration opens November 1, 2022.

Early registration for the Lee Adams Tour of the Methow is $20 to Methow Valley Nordic members and to Methow Trails members, and costs $30 for non-members.  Pre-registration is required for use of shuttle buses!

You are a member of Methow Valley Nordic if you have joined and paid your membership dues, or if you are a parent of a junior team or biathlon team racer.

You are a member of Methow Trails if you have joined and paid your membership dues, if you are a season or lifetime pass holder, or if you own property that the trails use.

Registration is via SkiReg (click on the logo to go to the registration page)


Online registration closes on Tuesday, February 15.

Methow Trails passes are required for those aged 18 and older.

Participants will receive a ribbon (on the bus or at the start area) to identify themselves. Your ribbon will also be your ticket to lunch.

The Tour is co-hosted by Methow Valley Nordic and Methow Trails.  Please make sure you have a trail pass and display it when on the trails.



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