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Be ready for cross country skiing when the snow falls!  Learn exercises and techniques to prepare for skiing.  We are pleased to announce pre-season tune up clinics for members and skiers who live in the Seattle area.  Coaches Pete Leonard and Raleigh Goessling will be at Marymoor Park in Redmond for a series of training offerings including:

Saturday Oct 14:

9:30 am:  Physical Preparation for Ski Season – This will focus on ski-specific preparation that doesn’t require any complicated equipment.  We’ll use body weight-based exercises to help you gain strength, balance and mobility:  1.5 hours, $50.

12:30 pm:  Dryland Technique – This session will build on the previous one by adding poles and more ski-specific movements including ski-walking, moosehoofing, bounding with and without poles:  1.5 hours, $50.

2:30 pm:  Rollerski basics: Rollerskiing is perhaps the best way to mimic cross country skiing without snow.  Learn the basics of stopping, starting, safety, and balance, 1 hour $60.  (if you need access to rollerskis, please email nathan@mvnsef.org and we will do our best to find them for you).


Sunday Oct 15:

8 am:  Classic Rollerski clinic: For people with some rollerski experience, this session will focus on proper body position, striding, and double poling. 1.5 hours, $90.

10 am:  Skate Rollerski clinic: For people with some rollerski experience, this session will focus on proper body position, no-pole skiing, and V2 technique.  1.5 hours, $90.


Participants will come away with drills and individualized technical feedback that they can apply to be ready for their first day on snow.



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