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We’re excited to announce some pre-season training and technique opportunities in Winthrop on Nov 4 and 5.

Please click here for registration details.  

Options include:

Physical Preparation for Ski Season, Saturday Nov 4, 8-9:30am, Mac Lloyd Park (next to the Winthrop Red Barn).  Will cover body-weight strength, balance, and mobility, all specifically designed for cross country skiing.  (conveniently ends just before the Ski Swap starts)

Dryland Technique for Ski Season, Saturday Nov 4, 1-2:30pm, Pearrygin Park.  (Discover pass required, bring dryland poles–chest height, or email nathan@mvnsef.org if you need poles).  Will cover ski-walking, moose-hoofing, and bounding with and without poles.

Rollerski Basics (Start, Stop, Safety, Balance), Saturday Nov. 4, 3-4pm, Pearrygin Park (Discover pass required, bike helmet required, please email nathan@mvnsef.org if you need rollerski equipment).  Entry-level rollerski instruction for skiers who are new to rollerskiing.  (Conveniently ends before our Avant Ski event starts at the Winthrop Barn.)

Classic Rollerski Clinic, Sunday Nov. 5, 9-10:30 am, Pearrygin Park (Discover pass required, bike helmet required) Will cover:  body position, striding, and double-poling.

Skate Rollerski Clinic, Sunday Nov. 5, 11am-12:30, Pearrygin Park (Discover pass required, bike helmet required)  will cover:  body position, no pole, V2

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